An 8 nights and 7 full days immersive development experience in the heart of the South African Bushveld

Individual Focus

A uniquely individualised development process that focuses intensively on each person that participates. To understand their unique needs we invest time speaking with each individual as well as their line manager. If available, we also review copies of any personal development plans, engagement data for their area of responsibility or 360 reports that exist. The growth and development areas highlighted become the primary focus for our time together during a combination of powerful group experiences and an intensive sequence of 1 to 1 sessions over a period of 7 days. Whilst some of the topics areas may be common across the group, making them come to life for how each person operates will always be slightly different; due to their background, development history, operational context, experience and inner dialogue.

Idealising Influence

We focus on the behaviour each participant needs to model in their work ecology to bring to life both your corporate framework and ethical leadership in its broader sense. Understanding and bringing to life the language and behaviour needed to sustain positive culture and become an inspirational example to their team members, is what being an idealising influence is all about, it’s part of what makes a leader truly transformational. These leaders are admired, respected and trusted. Followers identify with them and want to emulate them, which is exactly what we need to help resolve today’s workplace challenges.

Immersive Experience

Taking people away from normal development environments and off the beaten track, allows us to overcome issues of distraction and the ever present white noise and pressure that is felt to stay connected. We work with people in an environment in which the rules are different, the culture is different, the ecology is different, and they can’t operate on auto-pilot or just ‘be present’. The experience will challenge them emotionally and intellectually, helping them to think and re-think more deeply; about who they are, how they work, and the impact they have on culture and the people they have both performance and developmental responsibility for. We don’t have scripted answers; we use a process of reflective inquiry and coaching to help people transform the way they work.