Integrating talent, leadership and personal development programmes with learning about wellbeing and conservation


Development Redefined

Whilst always having had a passion for people development, human connectivity and the natural world , it is in  Southern Africa – being exposed to the local cultures and environment that we realised the impact of more formally integrating them; reconnecting people to the natural world in which we live as part of corporate development initiatives.  Working with people in new ways and in new and often challenging environments, in which they can't participate on 'auto-pilot'.

Environments in which they can: 'Re Think, Re Charge, Re Focus and Re Boot'

Recognising the increasing pressure everyone experiences in their day-to-day work and lives, and following our work with professionals across the globe suffering from 'information and work overload and miasma', Odyssey Invictus provides unique development experiences that integrate pragmatic professional and personal development with broadening world awareness, learning about other cultures and wellbeing, a reconnection with the natural world - the health benefits of which are well documented.

#1 Ukukhula Indaba: the ‘gathering for growth’
A bespoke corporate programme as either a stand-alone or integrated element of graduate, leadership and team development initiatives.  These can be either Content or CSR Project Led development experiences

#2 Ubuholi Indaba: the ‘leadership gathering’
A leadership development and networking programme designed for small business owners, providing them with access to like-minded entrepreneurs and powerful personal development

#3 Iqembu Indaba: the ‘group gathering’
A developmental networking retreat that is dedicated to meeting the needs of specific senior professional groups (e.g. HR Directors), providing them with a unique knowledge sharing, peer exchange, networking and personal development opportunities, or, high performance team development programmes.

#4 Invictus Indaba: the ‘unconquerable gathering’
A personal development retreat for individuals interested in the conservation of wildlife and wild habitats that are looking for a powerful personal development experience, personal coaching, and the opportunity to be actively involved in critical conservation projects